Can Dogs Safely Take Aspirin? Discover A Safer Alternative With CBD


07 August 2023

Pets & Animals


When your furry companions experience pain or inflammation, you naturally want to provide them with relief.

Aspirin is a common over-the-counter pain reliever humans use, leading pet owners to wonder if it is safe for their dogs.

Read on to discover “Can dogs take aspirin?” and how CBD can relieve pain for your beloved canine companion.

The Potential Risks of Aspirin for Dogs

Aspirin for Dogs

Aspirin belongs to a class of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). While it can be safe and effective for humans, dogs have different physiology that can make them more susceptible to the adverse effects of aspirin.

Here are some risks associated with administering aspirin to dogs:

1. Gastrointestinal Upset

Dogs are more prone to developing stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding from NSAIDs, including aspirin. The delicate balance of their digestive system can be disrupted, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and even more severe complications.

2. Kidney and Liver Damage

Aspirin can place significant strain on a dog’s kidneys and liver. Over time, prolonged use or excessive dosages may lead to kidney or liver dysfunction, potentially causing long-term health issues. Reduced blood flow- often caused by aspiring might damage not only the liver of your favorite pet but also its kidney. 

3. Blood Clotting

One of the potential benefits of aspirin for humans is its blood-thinning properties. However, this can be dangerous for dogs, as it may increase the risk of internal bleeding, especially if they have underlying conditions or are taking other medications.

4. Reverse Healing

While aspirin can help your animal overcome pain, it might harm other bodily operations. The reason is prostaglandins have certain positive impacts on their body. Hence, when prostaglandins are exhibited from aspirin, there might be some reverse healing consequences.

5. Might Lead To Bleeding

Since aspirin works like a blood thinner, it might help in stopping blood clots when the dog is bleeding. Dogs having the disease of Von Willebrand should never consume aspirin. This disease lasts lifelong, and the blood never clots.

The Safer Alternative: CBD for Dogs

CBD is a non-psychoactive compound obtained from hemp. It has gained popularity recently for its potential therapeutic benefits, including pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties.

Here’s why CBD is a safer alternative to aspirin for dogs:

Natural Pain Relief

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system in dogs, which helps regulate pain perception. It can provide relief for various types of pain, such as joint discomfort, arthritis, and post-surgical pain, without the potential risks associated with aspirin.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Inflammation is a common source of pain for dogs, and CBD has shown promising anti-inflammatory properties. CBD can help alleviate discomfort and improve mobility in dogs suffering from osteoarthritis or autoimmune disorders by reducing inflammation. A classic example of anti-inflammatory effects includes aspirin, which helps in the reduction of ulcers. 

Reduces Convulsions & Seizures

CBD has recently become a new alternative when it comes to treating seizures and convulsions in dogs. Without many possibilities of a side-effect, most dog owners prefer CBD oil instead of aspirin. CBD for dogs might be available in various convenient forms, including extracts from a dropper bottle or in addition to the food.

Minimal Side Effects

Unlike aspirin, CBD is generally well-tolerated by dogs. It has a favorable safety profile, with minimal side effects reported, such as drowsiness or dry mouth. However, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage for your dog’s specific needs.

Gastrointestinal Support

The infamous CBD oil is popular for relaxing and calming the intestinal lining of your dog. Ultimately, it reduces unnecessary pain that is caused when muscles are tensed in and around the stomach. The ingredients in CBD oil promote a healthy digestive system in your pet’s body. Depending on the health needs of your pet, you might upgrade to higher-potency CBD.

Choosing the Right CBD Product for Your Dog

CBD Product for Your Dog

Choosing a high-quality product specifically formulated for dogs is crucial when considering CBD as an alternative to aspirin. Here are some key factors to consider:

Organic and Lab-Tested

Opt for CBD products made from organic hemp and undergo third-party lab testing. This ensures the absence of harmful chemicals, pesticides, and contaminants, guaranteeing the purity and safety of the product for your furry friend. Your pets, especially dogs, need careful attention. Hence, you must always opt for an organic CBD oil. 


There are so many ways in which a company can offer you lofty promises of being top quality. But in order to buy the best CBD for your dog, you must always look for a brand that is transparent with its consumers. The CBD oil must be tested through a neutral third-party lab in order to reach the doors of your house.

Full Spectrum vs. Isolate

Full-spectrum CBD products contain a wide range of beneficial compounds in hemp, including trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). While THC is typically present in very low concentrations, choose CBD isolate products if you prefer a THC-free option.

Proper Dosage

Determining your dog’s CBD dosage can be challenging. Factors such as their weight, age, and the severity of their condition play a role. Consulting with a veterinarian experienced in CBD use for pets is essential to ensure you administer the correct dosage.

Check The Quality

Your pet is no different than your other family members. You might want to provide them with the best care. Look for qualities like the following in CBD oil: 

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Solvent, pesticide, herbicide and mycotoxin-free
  • Human grade
  • Without additives


While many pet owners may wonder, “Can dogs take aspirin?” it’s important to recognize the potential risks and adverse effects of giving this medication to your canine companions. Instead, CBD offers a safer alternative for managing pain and inflammation in dogs.

With its natural properties and minimal side effects, CBD can be a valuable tool in improving your dog’s well-being without the potential dangers of aspirin.

Before introducing CBD into your dog’s healthcare routine, remember to consult with your veterinarian and choose a reputable CBD product specifically formulated for dogs.

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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CBD Oil For Dogs

The Top Benefits of CBD Oil For Dogs

The nootropics market has recently been overtaken by a miraculous substance, known as CBD oil. Cannabidiol, its full name, is actually one of the numerous compounds found in the cannabis Sativa plant, which unlike most of the other compounds, is very low on THC levels. It’s considered to do wonders for both physical and mental health by affecting the endocannabinoid system which is responsible for regulating the memory as well as the feeling of pain, sleepiness, anxiety, stress, and much more. Nevertheless, humans aren’t the only ones experiencing the benefits of this drug. Many pet owners have tried to improve their pets’ wellbeing by using CBD, especially for their dogs and cats. It has nearly identical benefits as the ones it has on humans. Nowadays, you won’t have any problem finding a dog or a cat page, selling this oil online. If you aren’t still persuaded by the potential effects of CBD on your dog’s health, then the following benefits will certainly change your mind. Alleviates pain and inflammation: Pets are experiencing pain and inflammation more often than you think. This unpleasant feeling can be caused by an injury that results in sprained joint or paw, arthritis which develops gradually as pets grow older, problems with the digestive system which cause inflammation of the internal organs, or skin inflammation which can easily turn into an infection. Dogs and other pets are showing signs that they aren’t in their best shape, which you are supposed to recognize in order to relieve them from the discomfort they’re feeling. Perhaps the most common indicator of experiencing pain is having trouble walking which is demonstrated by raising the injured leg in the air. Other signs include: showing no excitement towards everyday activities such as playing around or taking a walk; lack of appetite, excessive sleeping, and licking the place where they feel pain. CBD oil uses its anti-inflammatory traits to manage the pain and inflammation reception in the brain. It influences the way in which receptors respond to the pain signals which the body is sending to the brain. Read more about its benefits on chronic pain. Reduces anxiety: You’ve probably wondered countless times what provokes your dog’s aggressive behavior. The answer is unbelievably simple; anxiety. Dogs can be as anxious as humans or even more, as they can’t channel their stress and anger through conversation, only through producing loud noises or destroying the furniture at your home. This anxiety can be related to separation, as many dogs get nervous when their owner leaves the house. It can also result out of fear from an unexpected noise or a person which they haven’t seen before. CBD reduces anxiety and stress levels by affecting the hormone serotonin, which is known as the hormone of happiness. It doesn’t have a direct impact on the serotonin level, but it influences the brain receptors which respond to this hormone. Treating epilepsy: Epilepsy is actually a quite common medical condition in dogs, resulting from the improper function of the nervous system. When your dog’s nervous system doesn’t function in the manner it’s supposed to do, it’ll affect its movements which simply go out of control. Dogs are losing balance, falling frequently for no reason, fighting with imaginary enemies, etc. In case you’ve noticed this type of symptoms just once, then your dog probably had a seizure. However, if these symptoms become repetitive, it’s a certain indicator of epilepsy. CBD helps in the treatment and prevention of epilepsy by affecting the endocannabinoid system, responsible for maintaining the balance of our nerve functions. Although you can find this substance in both oil and tablet form, the former one is easier to administer as you can put drops into your dog’s food or directly to its tongue. If you’re not sure about the proper dosage, visit the following link:, to clear things up. Wrap up: Being a pet owner means looking after your dog or cat by providing it with good nutrition and care, but also noticing its sudden physical and behavioral changes. In case you recognize some pain, anxiety, or epileptic signs, CBD oil is the right cure to choose! Read Also: How Your Pet Will Change Your Life How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives Pet Supplements: Which Ones Are The Best For Your Pet? 4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs

why everyone should have a pet

Get a New Leash on Life: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet

Did you know pet owners spent over $69 billion on their pets in 2017? It’s no secret that so many people love having a furry companion in their lives. However, not even current pet-owners know all the reasons why an animal companion improves their quality of life. It is a proven fact that dogs know you love them because they can sense it. They reciprocate this love in many ways. Keep reading to learn science-based reasons why everyone should have a pet. 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Pet: There are so many benefits of owning a pet and a ton of reasons why everyone should have a pet. Owning a pet can literally change your life. 1. Less Stress: There have been studies done on people doing a stressful task. If they have their pets with them, they experience less stress. There are rehabilitation facilities that encourage their patients to get a pet and allow them to be at their facilities. Read more:  Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 2. Fewer Allergies: When kids grow up in a house with pets, they are less likely to develop allergies as they get older. The dander that pets have on their hair is natural immunotherapy for kids. Keep in mind that getting a pet as an adult doesn't minimize allergies. 3. Less Lonely and Happier: Pets give people a sense of purpose. They have someone to care for and feed, which gives humans a self-esteem boost. Pets have certain needs that only humans can help them with. As a pet owner--whether you have a dog, a bird, or a rabbit--you have choices to make to give your pet the best life possible. If it's a rabbit, you have rabbit food choices you have to make to ensure your furry friend has all the nutrients he/she needs. Same with a dog or a cat. The choices you make for your pet will make you feel happier naturally because you'll have a sense of need. Your fur baby will also help you feel less lonely, especially if you are living on your own. Those who are clinically depressed are less likely to suffer from depressive episodes thanks to having a pet companion. 4. Lowers Blood Pressure: Some studies have shown that having a pet might lower blood pressure. Marty Becker, DVM, the author of Your Dog: The Owner's Manual, says that if you have a dog around, your blood pressure is lower. Petting your pet helps your body release a relaxation hormone and reduces stress hormone levels. 5. Stay More Active: People are more likely to walk up to 30 minutes in order to make sure their dog gets walked. Having a dog will help you get fit and make some new friends at the park or in your neighborhood. If you stay more active, it will help against rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, and osteoporosis. Other pets also keep their owners active, but dogs tend to require consistent walking and playing to avoid accidents in the home. 6. Lowers Cholesterol: People that own pets have lower cholesterol levels than those that don't have pets. It's not clear if the lower cholesterol is because of the pet's presence or the more active lifestyle from owning a pet. All they know is that those that have fur babies have lower cholesterol levels than those without fur babies. 7. Overcome Limitations: If you have a child at home with ADHD or one on the autism spectrum, they can benefit from having a pet in the house. If your child has ADHD, having a pet to care for helps them focus as they fulfill specific responsibilities to help care for their pets. The child will develop a bond with their pet that helps their self-esteem and also introduces the feeling of security. If your child has autism, a pet will help hold their attention. They can also help with sensory activities. Children with autism have certain sensory issues, and a pet will help alleviate these by getting them used to the way something feels against their skin. 8. Prevent Strokes: The same Dr. Becker mentioned above says that if you have a cat, you're 30% less likely to have a heart attack and 40% less likely to have a stroke. He also shares in his book that if someone has a heart attack and owns a dog, they're more likely to be alive a year later because of their dog alerts. 9. Help Children Develop: Kids that grow up with pets benefit in their emotional development. Children learn how to express themselves better, and they also learn to relate better when they're attached to a pet. 10. Change the Life of a Chronically Ill Person: Dogs have been known to detect cancer, warn about low blood sugar, and predict a seizure. This is because of their strong sense of smell. If you have diabetes, it's important to know that some dogs are able to alert a dangerous drop in blood glucose before it happens. Dogs have also been trained to help people who suffer from epilepsy. There are some dogs that lie next to a person that's having a seizure to help prevent them from getting injured. Others bark if someone is having a seizure or before a seizure occurs. There are dogs that are trained to be service dogs for people with fibromyalgia. People suffering can place their hurt limbs against the dog's body and get relief because the dog generates intense body heat. There are dogs trained to help people that suffer from Parkinson's disease. They can perform tasks such as open and close doors or turn lights on and off. They train them to touch a person's foot to let them keep walking when they sense they are freezing. So Much Good with Having a Fur Baby: With so many benefits and reasons why everyone should have a pet, how can you resist that cute little fur baby? The benefits that come with owning a pet are much higher than the major responsibility you have for your furry friend. Are you an animal lover? Check out our pets & animal section for a wealth of information and tips on different animal breeds. Read Also: Food Allergies in Dog and How You Can Prevent it? Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog Dog Bites- Steps To Follow When A Dog Bites Your Kid

Horse Racing

5 Myths About Horse Racing That You Must Know

Horse racing is one of the most popular sports around the world and has a huge following from England to Dubai and everywhere in between. But, there are a lot of assumptions made about the sport, so let's set them straight. Here are the biggest myths people believe about the sport of horse racing. 5 Myths About Horse Racing: 1. Any Old Horse Can Win or Run in a Race Thoroughbred horse racing is just that, exclusive to thoroughbred horses. These horses have a lineage traced back to one of three stallions and only then are eligible to compete. Not only are races limited to thoroughbreds, but the training required to turn a horse into a winner is second to none, being broken in at around 18-months-old, making these horses the only ones capable of running 1 ¼ mile in two minutes. So, next time you're placing free bets at the races, you can be assured that it's in their blood to race. 2. Whipping Hurts Horses Whips are no longer used in the sport. A soft paddle called a ‘persuader’ is used to lengthen a horse's stride and has been proven not to cause harm or pain to the animals. People have used a persuader on a person to prove they are inflicting pain, but the skin of a 1,000 pounds racehorse can withstand more than the average human. The role of the paddle is to remind the horse to stay focused during the long track and not to lose focus throughout the race. 3. Horses Have no Value Once Retired It is a common misconception that racehorses are sent to the abattoir (slaughterhouse) once they have seen their racing career through. But, again, this is not the case. Retired racehorses are very valuable and are often rehomed for breeding, for pleasure or equestrian use, as they are very athletic and can be trained to be riding horses and opposed to competitors. 4. Horses Do Not Enjoy Racing Thoroughbreds are raised to race, it is in their blood to compete. Horses that race weighs an average of 1,000 pounds, I'm sure you can imagine how impossible it would be for a jockey of around 55kg to force an animal of this size to run while on it back. It is not unheard of for a horse to decide they aren't in the mood during a race; one horse, in particular, decided he didn't want to jump while competing and planted his feet firmly on the track, refusing to continue; there wasn't much the jockey could do about it. Horses cannot be made to run in races due to their dominance of power against their jockeys and so when they do run it is through choice and enjoyment; they are doing what they know. 5. Horses are Mistreated On average, horse races are sold for around $65,000. Not only are they an investment but they are how some people make a living and choose to spend their time (training, owning, breeding). Simply on that alone, it is hard to believe that they would be poorly cared for. It is not uncommon for owners to fork out a fortune to transport and provide the best for their horses, often being referred to as living like kings due to their exercise and treatment is unparalleled to any other owned animal. Read Also: A Lightning-Fast Guide to Choosing High-Quality Sports Equipment 3 Things to Consider When Designing a Company Logo for Your Business